Thursday, July 31, 2008


LOL u noe im 1 of the only ppl typing in here..anyways im gonna type HERE!==
ok ppl, we hav:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
-maths challenging problems last 2 pges of our supplementary notes
[erm i can't rmb...?]
.: [ TESTS ] :.
-LIT TEST TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Chinese test next THURS
-Maths test [nt sure when but coming SOON]


rmb 2 bring ur food![lik sweets?erm Chips?Jelly? etcetc.?]
anyway i was just listing down the stuff that i usually see at our old class parties so u ppl can also bring something new =DDD
tats all 4 now peeps! cya!!! ^w^|'''|

Oh erm sry 2 those ppl who cant make it 4 da calss party[welcome 2 my playground ppl]
but ANYways, WILL keep 4 u!!!!!!!!>w< class="u ppl ROCK!!! XDDDD

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