Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hey yo~~ This is what i say ooohhhh~~ XD

Yo ppl I haven't bloged for a thousand years already..... >_>
anyway people on Cbox wants updates so...:
SCREAM PPL!! We need to do our ARC file by tomorrow 5PM
-IHSS artefect by tomorrow
-2 maths worksheets
-some questions from Maths supplementary notes[eeks help i dunno]
-Chinese thingy on Red Cliff[isit?]
-we have a LIT POP QUIZ COMIN ON THURS~! Oh and on Thurs, ARC period is replaced by a lit period. we will go through our papers[daa daa dummm!!!!!]& have the pop quiz
-rugby tomorrow!!!School will end @ 6.30 [i think]or later...?
-smile more
-have a greaaatttt dayyy/night/week/month/year~!!!!=D
-& yes every1 MUST SMILE MORE!!!

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